Sire: Harvestime Montana Big Game Hunter RI ACT1 CCA CGC TKN Dam: Harvestime Montana Rhythm and Blues RN TKN
Harvestimes Rocky Mountain Juniper
AKC# SS25356001 DOB 02/11/2021
CHIC# 187660
Hips: GR-140320G24V-P-VPI rated Good
Elbow: GR-EL59990F24-P-VPI rated Normal
Heart: GR-ACA9799/30F-VPI rated Normal
Eye: GR-EYE29603/22F-VPI Normal W/ Breeder Option (Last exam 3-8-24)
Kennel Location: Montana
June makes her home in Montana. She is from Blue’s last litter.
June’s guardian family writes:
Ever since our last dog passed, there was a dog-sized hole in my heart and I knew I had to fill it. Two handwritten letters and several conversations later, my parents finally agreed to getting another dog. After researching golden retriever breeders, we were thrilled to find Harvestime Kennel right in our own community and immediately fell in love with the beautiful dogs they bred. We were so impressed with Heather and Rob and the enthusiasm they have for their dogs. Anytime we take her on a walk we always receive compliments on how beautiful she is.
June is in her happy place running free in the backyard, park, or Montana wilderness. Her favorite activities include meeting other dogs and their people and giving her favorite pillow a snuggle. June is ready for anything whether it be a long hike, or a lazy day on the couch. We always know when June is happy- she won’t stop talking in the mornings and especially when she sees Grandma. I have loved June ever since the first time I held her, she is so sweet and fun-loving. I can always rely on her for morning snuggles and I am so happy that the hole in my heart has been filled by such a wonderful dog.