I just finished watching your new puppy video you created. As a certified veterinary technician for the last 24 years and seeing new puppy owners doing A LOT wrong… and breeders telling them some crazy things… BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO on your video! What an excellent teaching video! On behalf of the technicians that may see your pups with their owners, we THANK YOU!
I am a trainer for LCC K9 Comfort dogs and worked with Reuben Comfort dog who was from your kennel. I have to say what an amazing dog he is! I also had the pleasure of meeting his brother Kerry. My whole family agrees that if we ever decide to get a golden it will be from your kennel! Thank you so much for your time and also for your kind heart in giving puppies to great organizations such as LCC. Hopefully I will get to train another one of your puppies someday soon!
K. Guenther
I know I have thanked you for this awesome pup but he gets more special each day. I debated getting him until my old guy was gone. Something told me to go ahead. So happy I did. I lost Mack on Friday. He spent 3 months with Oogie before passing and it was good.
His personality is awesome. People ask me is he really 5 months old? How can he be that calm? My answer is always it is breeding and how he was raised the first 8 weeks of life.
We’ve had many dogs over the years, but Travis is amazing! Besides being adorable, he’s smart as a whip, content, and loving. Your methods make it simple to house train. He knows what to do the second he gets placed outside.
Just love that little guy to pieces. You couldn’t have picked a better pup for us. I can’t wait to begin training classes… that boy is going to shine.
L. Chumbley
We love this puppy! Thank you immensely for picking out such a wonderful pup for us. He’s very smart and is the star of the Superpuppy class we’re going to. The trainer commented that she has seen a lot of dogs in her years of training and Savvy is one of the special ones.
M. Hallett

We had the opportunity to foster one of Harvestime Kennels’ dogs, Spirit for the last two years. Deb was planning to breed Spirit, and we had the opportunity to have Spirit as part of our family while she was not in season. During this time, Deb made every effort to ensure Spirit was provided with the best care and was living a normal dog’s life in a family environment when not being bred. During her second season, she was bred with another dog. We accompanied Spirit for her ultrasound, and found that she was not pregnant, but had an infection in her uterus. This serious infection was very painful for Spirit, and even if treated with medication it would lessen her chance of getting pregnant in the future. Harvestime made the call to get her a hysterectomy in place of putting her at risk. We were very impressed with the way that Deb Zierler put the health and comfort of her dog before the profitability of her business. She is definitely a professional breeder whose actions and behavior are highly ethical. This results in top-quality dogs and the best of the Golden Retriever breed.
M. & D. Pridis
I just wanted to send you both a quick update on Finnley. He is doing great and settled in so quickly.
I am impressed by how smart Finnley is. He’s already figured out that the correct spot to do his business is out in his kennel. We’ve only had a few accidents and those were when he got overly excited. Tiffany, you did an awesome job socializing Finnley. I cannot believe how great he is with everything. I can vacuum, run the dishwasher, or make other loud noises in the house and he could care less.
Finnley has quickly won over both Steve and me and our families. We can’t wait to watch him grow up!
K. Szalewski
Just two of the wonderful pups you have worked so diligently to produce. Beautiful. Healthy. Composed.
I can’t imagine how challenging this life you have chosen is. I just want you to know how deeply grateful I am that you did choose it. And that you continue to evolve and grow with all the up-to-date info that you so clearly share with us.
I hope to eventually get at least one more Golden in my life. I pray that you and your kennel continue this difficult and rewarding work. When you are having a rough day, please remember how many lives you have touched with your dogs and know how much you are loved.
We just got back from Scout’s vet check. She is terrific. Dr. Pat W thinks Scout is the finest Golden pup he has ever seen! All he did was sing your praise for this fabulous pup! In fact, he did some research on your dogs and was so impressed he is sending one of his clients to you in search of a pup from one of your next litters. This is high praise indeed! Just thought you needed to hear how much everyone admires the work you put in!
P. & R. Lemerande
We got Fiona in June of 2009 and wanted to update you on her. Everyone who meets Fiona is amazed at how obedient, calm, and loving she is. We are members of As Good As Gold Northern Illinois Golden Retriever Rescue and at an informational meet and greet, at least 10 people wanted to take her home! She is really a crowd pleaser and will go up to anyone wagging her tail and a big Golden smile on her face! For little kids, puppies, or small dogs she will get on her stomach so they can say hi to her. She loves to swim! She’s the best dog ever!
M. Joplin

One year ago today your “Joy” had a litter of puppies. We were blessed to receive “pink girl” who we named Lucy Joy. Her name fits her perfectly as she has brought us all so much joy. Thank you for creating beautiful goldens!
J. Anderson
We are so happy with our little girl. We’ve named her Saydee. She’s just the wonderful mellow girl you said she would be. Everyone thinks she is just the nicest-looking Golden. She is just perfect and sweet. loves to play with the cat too. They’re about the same size and they wrestle around like she would with a littermate. Sounds like some nice charities that you donated your litter tithe!
B. Anderson
Benson is such a great puppy! You seriously chose the right puppy for my husband and I. I would totally recommend you to anyone who is looking for a golden puppy. You are VERY knowledgeable. I loved your puppy session because it helped my husband and me out a lot!! Thanks again! If in the future we decide to get another golden retriever, we’ll definitely come back to you!
T. Yang
I would recommend Harvestime Kennel because of the great care the puppies receive while in Deb’s care and for her willingness to share her experience and knowledge with the buyers. We were sent information and photos throughout the entire process. Deb always was very open about letting us come to visit while our puppy was getting ready to go home. On the day we went to pick up our pup, Deb had her bathed and well-groomed. Emma is a happy, beautiful, intelligent pup, and a great addition to our family! The care and love she received at her first home was evident! We would definitely purchase our next puppy from Harvestime!
C. Kalscheuer
Bailey is perfect in every way. She has surpassed all of our expectations for a companion. We love her enormously. As does everyone in our neighborhood and family.
K. O'Neil