Harvestime Montana Big Game Hunter RI ACT1 CCA CGC TKN Harvestime Montana Rhythm and Blues RN TKN
Harvestimes Montana Blue Skies Ahead RN CGC TKN
Hunter X Blue
AKC# SS17279401 DOB January 17, 2020
Hips: GR-135954G24F-P-VPI rated Good
Elbows:GR-EL55580F24-P-VPI rated Normal
Heart: GR-BCA893/12F/C-VPI
Eye: GR-EYE22611/51F-VPI Normal (last exam 4-17-24)
Genetic weight 65#
Kennel Location: Fox Cities Wisconsin
As I was visiting Montana I got to see Blue. What an outstanding girl she was and I knew I needed a pup from her! Skye is everything I have wanted! Skye is a bigger boned girl with a plush, light coat, excellent pigment and a nice deep chest. She is very smart and eager to learn! Skye lives with the Houtz family in Appleton. Here is what they write:
“We brought home Skye in March 2020. Since that day, she has been an absolute delight in our home. We have had other dogs and can say, without a doubt, that Skye is the most gentle, mellow tempered dog, even as a puppy, we have ever had. We have 3 elementary age children, who adore her and the feelings appear mutual. I am biased, but there is something really magical about kids and dogs. Skye is patient and loves to play with the kids. She tolerates all kinds of silliness including the occasional tutu my daughter puts on her. She also gets along splendidly with our other dog and 2 cats.
She is very smart and has quickly learned her basic commands. She is eager to please. She has learned to walk well on her leash without pulling. She very rarely barks or whines.
Skye often looks as if she is smiling, which is something she does with her lips, but is more a reflection of her personality. Her eyes are bright, she is always happy and inquisitive, eager to meet new friends and to play. She is healthy and is up for the next car ride, long walk, or playing at the park. She has the softest, silky, beautiful pale blond coat, which has lent her to nicknames like Fluffer Nutter and Flufen-nugen. Her coat is gorgeous and she loves to be brushed, so grooming is easy. There is nothing like a snuggle with a Goldie. After a busy day, in front of the fireplace is where she likes to be.
We can not say enough how impressed we have been with Deb and her Harvestime Program. This is top notch professionalism, mixed with passion for service and love for the animals. Every detail is covered to ensure the healthiest best adjusted dog. We are so honored to be a foster family for Skye and are excited to share her puppies with all of you!”