Intl CH Sharmik’s Ben There Done That RI DCAT CCA CGC FDC RATN TKN
Harvestimes Montanas Twinkling Star RN CGC CCA
Intl Champion Harvestimes Spectacular Twinkling Sky RN CGC TDN
Bennit X Twinkle
Sharmik’s Ben There Done That RI DCAT CCA CGC TKN X Harvestimes Montanas Twinkling Star RN CGC CCA
January 21, 2021
AKC # SS24201501
CHIC# 178812
Hips: R-140041G24F-P-VPI rated Good
Elbows: R-EL59695F24-P-VPI Normal
Heart: GR-BCA3961/13F/C-VPI
Eye: GR-EYE26515/38F-VPI Normal (last exam on 4-17-24)
Genetic weight 64#
Kennel Location: Fox Cities Wisconsin
Skylar is from our Twinkle’s last litter. Skylar lives with the Kohlmetz family in Appleton. This girl is STUNNING. She earned her International Championship at 18 months and won Best of Opposites in the show! This is what the Kohlmetz family writes:
“We have the absolute pleasure of raising Skylar, along with her mother, Twinkle! While we expected Skylar to be just like her mom, she has shown she’s definitely her own girl! She’s very smart and has a perfect amount of sass. Training her is quick and easy. She loves everyone and all dogs, and is loved in return. While she’s still a big excited puppy, she absolutely melts when our little grandson (or any kids) gets here and loves when he crawls all over her! Her funniest obsession is whenever someone comes into our home, Skylar meets them at the door with one of her toys in her mouth and her tail wagging as fast as it can go… as long as someone at least acknowledges the presence of the toy (“Wow, Sky, that’s a cool toy!”) she’ll drop it and continue to welcome our guests. Having two big dogs is easy with these beautiful Harvestime goldens. They play together, wrestle together, eat together, nap together…there has never been one second of disagreement with them!”