BISS GCH CH Leongolden’s Dancing With The Stars @ Sharmik
Harvestimes Amazing Journey CGC RN CCA
Harvestimes Amazing Xenia RN CGC TKN
AKC# SS19892003 DOB June 26, 2020
Hip: GR-140039GF-P-VPI “Good”
Elbow: GR-EL59693F30-P-VPI “Normal”
Heart: GR-BCA2060/12F/C-VPI
Eye: GR-EYE23976/34F-VPI Normal (last exam 4/15/24)
CHIC# 17881
Kennel Location: Amberg Northern Wisconsin
Xenia is apart of the Amberg kennel. She lives with the Lezotte family in De Pere. Here is what they write:
“Xenia (pronounced Zeenya) is the best dog our family has ever had. We fell in Love with Xenia the minute we took her home. She is a very smart, sweet and loving dog. She loves to run outside and play with our other dogs and the kids. She plays ‘soccer’ with our girls and loves to fetch. Xenia fits right into our family and gets along with everyone! She even lets my 3 year old granddaughter do just about anything to her. She is super laid back. Xenia thinks she is a lap dog. She will sit on your lap anytime she can. Xenia Loves car rides and going for walks. She was very easy to train and slept through the night from day 1. She definitely wants her 8 hours of sleep every night. She follows me around like she’s my shadow. Life would not be the same without her. We Love Her!”