Sire: (Bennit) Intnl CH Sharmik’s Ben There Done That RN RI CGC TKN CCA BCAT DCAT FCAT RATN RATO FDC CGCU
Dam (Lily): Harvestimes Lily Pads CCA RN CGC
Harvestimes Daisy N Lily Bouquet RN CGC TKN
Lily X Bennit
April 28, 2022
CHIC# 195276
Hips: GR-145607F24F-P-VPI rated Good Elbows: GR-EL65363F24-P-VPI rated Normal
Eyes: GR-EYE31062/23F-VPI Clear (last exam 4/15/24)
Heart: GR-ACA9293/12F-VPI Normal
Genetic weight 62#
Kennel Location: Fox Cities Wisconsin
Daisy is beautiful and sweet! She lives with the Hason family, here’s what they write:
Daisy is our first golden retriever and she will not be our last! We lovingly call her “Daisy May and Baby girl “as she is such a sweet girl. This sweet girl is really the perfect family dog since she gets along with everyone! She loves other dogs and is great with kids of all ages. Daisy is very gentle and has made many kids who were afraid of dogs fall in love with her.
Her temperament is super sweet. She LOVES her toys and playing ball as well as snuggling up. We will often find her in the yard tossing her toys up and catching them. She loves going for long walks as well as hanging out in the front yard watching our son play basketball.
She loves to be outside in all weather including snow and rain! Even making tunnels in the snow. She has been swimming since she was 8 weeks old and loves boat trips and car rides. She is a great listener and is so smart! If our other dog is doing something he shouldn’t be, she will alert us by coming to get us and taking us to the trouble! Ever since she was a pup we always get compliments on how beautiful she is , she really is such a pretty pup with her light golden coat and adorable face!