Sire: International CH Sharmik’s Ben There Done That RN RI CGC TKN CCA BCAT DCAT FCAT RATN RATO FDC CGCU
Dam: Harvestimes Lily Pads RN CGC CCA
Harvestimes Seas the Day Kaia RN
DOB: April 28, 2022
CHIC# 202729
Hips: GR-148108F31F-P-VPI rated Fair
Elbows: GR-EL68799F31-P-VPI rated Normal
Eyes: GR-EYE/33694/22F-VPI Clear (last exam 3-8-24)
Heart: GR-ACA9806/16F-VPI Normal
Kennel Location: Montana
Kaia is a sweet, fun-loving and beautiful girl! Here’s what her family writes:
Kaia is the epitome of a golden retriever: easy to train, eager to please, and incredibly loving to humans and dogs of all ages. She frequents MSU’s campus where she joyfully accepts pets and belly scratches from passing college kids stressed out by exams or missing their own dogs at home. A social butterfly yet well-mannered, she knows more people coming through the office than anyone who works there does, and is consistently greeted with smiles. She adjusts her energy levels appropriately around young children, demonstrating gentle and patient enthusiasm when interacting with her guardian’s 4-year-old and 2-year-old nieces. Kaia enjoys hikes, morning runs, chasing birds, bounding through snow drifts, and cuddling on the couch, and takes any opportunity given to swim. She makes every activity more fun, whether it be a walk down Main Street, a weekend camping trip, or paddle boarding at Wade Lake. She is the ultimate companion, and her puppies are sure to bring joy to their families.