Sire: (Gaucho) Magicshades Southern Desperado BN RN RI CGC CCA FDC
Dam (Riviera): Harvestime Gypsy’s Riviera RN
Harvestime’s Olive Branch RN CGC TKN
Riviera X Gaucho
November 28, 2022
Hips: OFA Prelim at 22 months rated Good/Very Good
Elbows: Prelim at 22 months rated Normal
Eyes: GR-EYE34252/16F-VPI Clear (4-2024)
Heart: GR-ACA10321/13F-VPI Normal
Kennel Location: Minnesota
Olive lives with the Zeiner family. Here’s what they write:
“Olive has been the biggest blessing to our family. Growing up with golden retrievers my whole life, this breed holds a special place in my heart. After losing my last golden, Aspen, Olive has been the best healing gift we could ask for. She is smart, spirited, and the best snuggler. Her hobbies include catching any crumb my 3 children drop, chasing copious amounts of sticks, and rummaging through the recycling bin for the latest jar to lick out or paper item to shred. Her biggest love languages are belly rubs and car rides. She is protective, although rarely barks, energetic, yet sweet as can be, and playful, with a gentle and comforting presence that brings us joy every day.”